
Friday, August 26, 2011

Starting a Blog...

Well, I did it.
I started a blog.
Probably because Travis wasn't home, nothing is on TV and my creative brain didn't feel like sewing or anything else...It possibly could be because I like to write and I encourage my students to blog and write all the time. it is...the Road to Reynolds...our little online journey. I think it will be a fun and friends can keep up from time to time- especially once we start a family (which is not soon by the way!).

So an update on us, for those who read and are not around here...I've started school again...2 days down, 178 to go! I seem to have a very sweet class (only 15 kiddos!). I'm also coaching tennis at a local high school and that's going well too. We had a tailgate before their football game tonight and our tennis girls raised over $200 selling hotdogs. Now..what to buy? I am sure it will be up for discussion at practice on Monday!

Travis is doing great! He's working hard in Charlotte and is gearing up for hunting season! He just got a new bow and is practicing on his "fake" deer. He's even helped a guy plant a field of buckwheat and loves to show me pictures of how "white" it is. That doesn't mean a whole lot to me...but it seems to excite him! Anyway, if anyone likes deer meat, let us know- it is not coming in this house!

We both are excited to say that we are planning to go on a trip to Uganda, Africa with in March. We are thrilled with the possibility of reaching out to many children whose parents were lost to HIV/Aids or war. We hope to teach a Bible School of sorts and help a local orphanage near Kampala continue their efforts to set up a computer lab. If you have any old laptops that you would like to donate, please let us know! Also, if you would like to support our trip (it will cost us over $6,000 to travel there), please go to and click on the donate tab. You can then type in my name (Travis is not registered yet, but will be soon) and donate any, tax-deductible, amount. We will keep you updated on our progress!

All for now-
Peace and Love-