
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Photo Book

Here is  a photo book of Blakely's first year! I have severely gotten behind on her monthly updates, but you can see she has stayed right on track! She is now 1 and walking up a storm! She is one busy girl and we love it. She is in to every cabinet, likes to flush the toilet and attempts to play in the toilet water. She's a little bit of a picky eater- sweet potatoes and mac n' cheese are her favorite! She continues to weigh in around the 50th% and her height is at the 75th%. She wears a size 3 shoe on average and is right on target with 12-18 month clothes! She loves to snuggle still and is just the sweetest thing! I promise to update more soon- we recently went to the zoo and I want to post those pictures ASAP! :) 

Peace and Love,