
Friday, December 30, 2011

So excited!!!...

Travis and I had an awesome Christmas with friends and family! We have more than we could ever ask for! Our parents always surprise us (even at our age!) with some of the neatest gifts. We enjoy shopping for our families and surprising our them with different gifts, too. This year throughout all of our shopping and eating and wonderful times with family, my heart was in tune with something different. It was burdened by the faces of Canaan Children's home.

We went to our Christmas Eve service this year, which traditionally ends in candlelight. Our pastor made many references to light and how the wisemen followed the star to Bethlehem. God used light to lead them, but Jesus was the ultimate light to a dark world. I had never thought about how many references to light there are in the Christmas story. When he finished sharing, we lit our candles and walked out into our courtyard where a nativity was set up. One of the children sang Away in a Manger and it was so peaceful. I watched the manger scene as "Mary and Joseph" held the baby. My mind kept wandering to these children we are visiting in Uganda. Do they have someone to hold them tonight? Do they know that Jesus came as an innocent child, light to a broken and dark world, to save their sweet hearts? Do they know that they have hope and a future?

Last night, Travis and I dialed in at 8:00 to a conference call with our team members traveling to Uganda. It was so great to hear all of their voices and to "meet" them. We began discussing some logistics and things that we are going to be doing. I think that call truly made it real for me. I can't wait to see and meet these children that have been so heavy on my heart this season. I can't wait to wrap my arms around them! I know that we will only be in Uganda for 9-10 days, but my heart is already forever changed. What a blessing to be able to go and serve!

We have almost met our fundraising goal! Thanks to friends and family who have supported us financially and in prayer. Your prayers are so important to us and to these children!

Here is a short video about Visiting Orphans....
163 Million reasons to GO!

Peace and Love,

Sunday, November 20, 2011



This week, Travis and I celebrated our 4th anniversary! People often say that we are still "babies" when it comes to marriage. That may be so, but we feel like the past four years have flown by and that we've been married for quite a while. In December we will have been "together" for 10 years! In honor of our anniversary, I'm adding a few wedding pictures!

First Dance :)

Travis and I have always been curious about Hot Springs, North Carolina. When I found a deal to visit there on, we decided to give it a go for our anniversary. Hot Springs is located right on the Appalachian Trail and is near natural hot mineral springs. We stayed at the Iron Horse Station Inn. It was quaint and cute! We enjoyed their restaurant and live music. We slept late and relaxed (something we haven't done on a weekend in a long time!).

Hiking is something we LOVE to do and with the Appalachian Trail being so close, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to hike a short ways. We hiked up to Max Patch Bald, which is a summit on the AT. It is around 4600 feet in elevation and has a 360 degree view of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Standing there and turning around, I couldn't do anything but praise God for being the master Creator. The view was incredible. I am so thankful that the same God who created the view we saw is the same God who knew Travis and I would be meant for each other. We know that no matter what trials we face, we are united by a God who loves us, created us, and desires our worship!
Just a small part of the view!

Tried to take a picture of our selves--was quite windy!

It snowed this week on Max Patch :) A little was left for us to enjoy!

A view like this is nothing but empowering....

All for now.......

Peace and Love--

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The road to Uganda

So, I think I mentioned in a post before, Travis and I will be traveling to Uganda next March. We have begun really preparing for our trip. We are so excited and looking forward to meeting and loving on the sweet children in the orphanages we are visiting.  We know that we have been called to bring hope to a lost world and to share Christ with these incredible kids.

We are also requesting support. If you are interested in supporting our trip financially, there are several ways you can help us. Here are three ways you can help:

1. visit and buy some coffee. This coffee is AWESOME! It is freshly roasted, fair trade, and organic. You can click on the partner page and find Uganda, March 2012 and 40% of the profit of the sale will go towards our team's trip.

2. Support us via mailing a check. This is the most direct way to help our trip. Inbox us to find out more about this option. All donations are tax deductible.

3. Go to  and purchase some of their merchandise (T-shirts, necklaces, etc.). Part of the proceeds will go towards our trip if you designate it to Uganda, March 2012.

We will be doing so many things during our time in Africa. I know the Lord is preparing our way and is working in the hearts of the people we will meet. Financial support is important, but we hope more than anything that you will pray for us. Pray for our safety, for the children we will meet, and that the Lord would use us in an incredible way. These children have already changed our lives- we just hope to change theirs.

We are so thrilled to talk about this opportunity- if you see us, ask us about it!

Peace and Love- Kristen

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My thoughts on a day never forgotten...

It's 9/11.
Today I remember.
and I'll never forget.

I walked into a High School English class to note that my teacher had a very concerned look on her face. She switched on the TV. We watched for quite a while as the media continued to show the planes deliberately fly into the Twin Towers. Then came word of the Pentagon and the flight in Pennsylvania. What in the world? Not in America.

I remember my dad always talking about "bomb drills" from when he was in school. I wondered if we might possibly start practicing some kind of our own. The events of that day infuriated me and made me so sad for those precious families.

Now that it has been ten years and I reflect back to that day and the days and years that followed, my mind goes several places.

One- to our military. If any of you ever read this, Thank You! Those two words will never be enough to completely show how I feel about what you do for our country. Cliche, maybe, True, absolutely- Freedom is NOT Free and we can't forget it.

Two- Patriotism- Where is it??? Yes,  we all know Toby Keith wrote the song 'Have You Forgotten,' but it might should have been written a long time ago. Our country, long before 9/11, fought for its freedom.  Men and Women have died for centuries preserving the best country in the world. If our country does not unite and cross party lines and people do not stop looking out for only themselves, we are in deep trouble.  Wave your flags people, sing the National Anthem at college football games, show pride in where we live!

Three (and I think most important)- God is doing a work in you, and in people all over the world. Why would this come to my mind today? Because, our Creator and Sustainer of life knew that 9/11 would happen. He loved those people who died, including the men driving the planes into the towers. He has used that day to bring glory unto Himself, despite the hardship and loss so many have gone through. "Men meant evil against me, but God used it for good."- Genesis 50:20 What He wants more than anything is for us to Love our enemies and Bless those who persecute us. (Matthew 5:44) We may die trying, but if we proclaim the name of Jesus to the world and truly show love to those who hate us... only then have we demonstrated the Gospel of Christ.

Several years ago, Travis and I visited New York City and traveled to the 9/11 memorial site. Here are a few pictures from there. Just thought I would share for today....

Fire Station right outside of 9/11 memorial


                                                            Flag on top of Ladder Co. 10

Peace and Love,

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My running ability...

....or the lack there of!

Travis and I are three or four weeks into training for a 10k. Yes, I know, some of you who read this are runners and are laughing at the thought of training for a 10k, but for us it's a big deal. It's amazing that him being 8 inches taller than me makes such a difference in running. Tonight, I was running around a 9 minute pace (yes, runners, it is ridiculous, but good for me!) and Travis was able to walk (rather quickly, but still!) while I was running.

It just makes me mad!!

I also have to have a puff of my inhaler and eat a tums tablet before we go. He just jogs his happy little rear end right on out there.  Like I running ability (or the lack there of)--it just does not come naturally. But, I really enjoy it! It actually seems to give me energy and relieves stress, both of which I desperately need!  It also has given us a way to exercise together. Before we started this, Travis went to the gym to lift weights and I would walk or jog outside. It has given us a common goal and is something that we are able to fit into our schedules to do together.

Not to mention, any race we do is for a good cause. The last 5k I ran was with a former student and it was one of the most rewarding things I have done.  This race that we are hoping to run in October is to help raise money for the Lincoln Co. Education Foundation. Anything that we can do to help children (of all ages) is special to us!

On one last note...which is off key from the rest of this's know what that means??? FOOTBALL!!!


We are off to see our Bulldogs this weekend (with my dad, sister, and bro-in-law) against Boise State. Sick 'em Dawgs! :)

Peace and Love-

Friday, August 26, 2011

Starting a Blog...

Well, I did it.
I started a blog.
Probably because Travis wasn't home, nothing is on TV and my creative brain didn't feel like sewing or anything else...It possibly could be because I like to write and I encourage my students to blog and write all the time. it is...the Road to Reynolds...our little online journey. I think it will be a fun and friends can keep up from time to time- especially once we start a family (which is not soon by the way!).

So an update on us, for those who read and are not around here...I've started school again...2 days down, 178 to go! I seem to have a very sweet class (only 15 kiddos!). I'm also coaching tennis at a local high school and that's going well too. We had a tailgate before their football game tonight and our tennis girls raised over $200 selling hotdogs. Now..what to buy? I am sure it will be up for discussion at practice on Monday!

Travis is doing great! He's working hard in Charlotte and is gearing up for hunting season! He just got a new bow and is practicing on his "fake" deer. He's even helped a guy plant a field of buckwheat and loves to show me pictures of how "white" it is. That doesn't mean a whole lot to me...but it seems to excite him! Anyway, if anyone likes deer meat, let us know- it is not coming in this house!

We both are excited to say that we are planning to go on a trip to Uganda, Africa with in March. We are thrilled with the possibility of reaching out to many children whose parents were lost to HIV/Aids or war. We hope to teach a Bible School of sorts and help a local orphanage near Kampala continue their efforts to set up a computer lab. If you have any old laptops that you would like to donate, please let us know! Also, if you would like to support our trip (it will cost us over $6,000 to travel there), please go to and click on the donate tab. You can then type in my name (Travis is not registered yet, but will be soon) and donate any, tax-deductible, amount. We will keep you updated on our progress!

All for now-
Peace and Love-