
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Pictures with Santa

Yesterday, we went to have the girls' pictures made with Santa Claus. We visited him in Birkdale Village in Huntersville! Blakely did great! She stared at him, was very interested in his beard and then started smiling. We think she may have even whispered a few Christmas wishes in his ear. We were so glad she didn't cry! These moments are so special and we know that we won't get them back! We can't wait for Thanksgiving this week and are so very thankful for this precious gift! 
Blakely and Santa

Blakely and Penelope- First Santa Visit

Our family Christmas pictures are coming soon! We had a good time taking a few in downtown Lincolnton! 

Peace and Love,

Halloween and 7 Months!!

Halloween was a while ago, but this little sweetie keeps this mama busy! We dressed up the girls as Thing 1 (Penelope) and Thing 2 (Blakely) from the book The Cat in the Hat. This was their Nana's idea and it was a HIT!! We took them to Trunk or Treat at FBC Lincolnton. They sat on the back of the truck in their Bumbo seats, drank their bottles, played with toys and grinned at all of the trick-or-treaters. Everyone wanted to take their pictures and they had a ball!! The weather was great and Jordan and I had a good time passing out candy! 

Here a few pictures from their first Halloween: 

Thing 1 and Thing 2 before Trunk or Treat

Blakely thought Penelope looked so hilarious. She was dying laughing. If only she knew she looked just like her!

On the truck!

Sweet girl at Trunk or Treat

Our first Halloween as a family of 3!

Blakely turned 7 months on November 6th. Here are a few updates and pictures from this month!

Blakely is:

-Growing! She weighs 17 lbs. 8 oz. and is 27 1/2 inches long (60% weight, 90% height)
-Sitting up all the time now and doing it all by herself
-Pulling up onto anything she can (her crib, the ottoman, shelves)
-eating 3 meals a day. She loves just about anything!
-getting a few tastes of table food (apples, mushed bananas, icing, nibbles of a cookie)
-drinking 4, 6 oz. bottles
-wearing size 3 diapers
-wearing 6-9 month clothes
-staying with Nana everyday!
-saying ba, ba, ba,, ma, ma and so on
-playing patty cake when we play with her
-giggling all the time at her daddy and mommy

Growing too fast!

Pulling up!

Peace and Love,