
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Pictures with Santa

Yesterday, we went to have the girls' pictures made with Santa Claus. We visited him in Birkdale Village in Huntersville! Blakely did great! She stared at him, was very interested in his beard and then started smiling. We think she may have even whispered a few Christmas wishes in his ear. We were so glad she didn't cry! These moments are so special and we know that we won't get them back! We can't wait for Thanksgiving this week and are so very thankful for this precious gift! 
Blakely and Santa

Blakely and Penelope- First Santa Visit

Our family Christmas pictures are coming soon! We had a good time taking a few in downtown Lincolnton! 

Peace and Love,

Halloween and 7 Months!!

Halloween was a while ago, but this little sweetie keeps this mama busy! We dressed up the girls as Thing 1 (Penelope) and Thing 2 (Blakely) from the book The Cat in the Hat. This was their Nana's idea and it was a HIT!! We took them to Trunk or Treat at FBC Lincolnton. They sat on the back of the truck in their Bumbo seats, drank their bottles, played with toys and grinned at all of the trick-or-treaters. Everyone wanted to take their pictures and they had a ball!! The weather was great and Jordan and I had a good time passing out candy! 

Here a few pictures from their first Halloween: 

Thing 1 and Thing 2 before Trunk or Treat

Blakely thought Penelope looked so hilarious. She was dying laughing. If only she knew she looked just like her!

On the truck!

Sweet girl at Trunk or Treat

Our first Halloween as a family of 3!

Blakely turned 7 months on November 6th. Here are a few updates and pictures from this month!

Blakely is:

-Growing! She weighs 17 lbs. 8 oz. and is 27 1/2 inches long (60% weight, 90% height)
-Sitting up all the time now and doing it all by herself
-Pulling up onto anything she can (her crib, the ottoman, shelves)
-eating 3 meals a day. She loves just about anything!
-getting a few tastes of table food (apples, mushed bananas, icing, nibbles of a cookie)
-drinking 4, 6 oz. bottles
-wearing size 3 diapers
-wearing 6-9 month clothes
-staying with Nana everyday!
-saying ba, ba, ba,, ma, ma and so on
-playing patty cake when we play with her
-giggling all the time at her daddy and mommy

Growing too fast!

Pulling up!

Peace and Love,

Sunday, October 13, 2013

It's Pumpkin Time!

Last weekend we took Blakely and Penelope to the pumpkin patch at Carrigan Farms in Mooresville, NC. We couldn't believe it, but it was 89 degrees!!! We had a great time despite the heat and got a few pictures!! We picked some pumpkins and went on a hay ride. Carrigan farms is a great place to go if you're looking for fresh fall items- corn stalks, pumpkins, apple cider, apples, etc. We loved the time spent together!  Here are a few pictures from the patch!

At the Patch with Daddy

Our family
Sweet Cousin Penelope

The next day, we went for a girls outing to Boone. This was Blakely's half birthday! (October 6th) We went to Julian Price Park and Bass Lake and hopped a few fences (with the government being shutdown the parks aren't open) to take some fall pictures of the girls. We went for a stroll around Bass Lake and then of course Aunt Jordan and me had to run into the outlets and to get some Kilwins. Penelope even had her first little taste of ice cream!!
Here a few pictures:

Penelope and Jordan

 Nana and the babies

Blakely and me

Blakely at 6 months is:

Still wearing size 2 diapers
Finally getting some sweet little rolls on those legs
wearing size 6 months clothes
eating stage 2 baby food (loves it!)
 "creeping" across the floor
sitting up on her own
"chatting" up a storm
having a ball playing with Penelope
loving things that light up and make noise
cutting her 2 front bottom teeth

6 month pictures: 

We could just kiss those little cheeks off! We love this girl absolutely to the moon and around the sun and back! 

Peace and Love,

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

 I'm behind on blogging so I'm combining Blakely's 4 and 5 month blogs! We've done a lot since she was 3 months old! In July we took Blakely on her first beach trip to Hilton Head Island. She loved putting her feet in the water and playing in the pool. She didn't, however, love the wind and sand being on her so much! I'll have more beach pictures soon, but here's a teaser : 

At our favorite restaurant The Old Oyster Factory

 At Harbor Town

 Family picture- told you she didn't like the    wind :)

Nana lost her camera card with the beach pictures on it so I have to load some on a flashdrive to add to the blog later! There are some real cuties of Blakely and her cousin Penelope! 

I went back to school around mid-August and have left Blakely with my mom (Nana). Nana takes great care and plays all day with Blakely. She is doing great, but this Mama is having a hard time leaving her girl everyday. Those smiles and giggles are missed during the week, but sure are savored on the weekend!!! 

 Blakely has been doing so much in the past two months. Here's an update:

At 4 months Blakely:

weighed 13 lbs and 9 ounces (36%) 
was 25 inches long (65%)
is rolling over from back to front
wearing size 2 diapers
still wearing 3 months clothes and some 3-6 months (little squirt!) 
sleeping all night (most nights!- we are so relieved that we finally have a sleeping baby!)
loves to talk to us!
began eating solids (we started with rice cereal and apples!- she loved them!)

At 5 months Blakely Kate:

weighs around 14.5 pounds (give or take)
is around 25.5 inches long
is eating 3 meals a day (loves pretty much everything we give her, but apples and sweet potatoes seem to be favorites)
is rolling from back to front and front to back
is propping up on her elbows and trying to get her knees underneath her
goes after toys she wants on the floor
wearing size 2 diapers
wearing 3-6 months clothes and some 6 months clothes
is saying things like ("ya, ya, ya and ba, ba, ba)
still loves being outside and going for walks
follows Beacon (our dog) around with her eyes

First bites of carrots

 The result- haha! She loves them now!

Happy 5 months sweet girl!

This month we also took Blakely to Cranial Technologies in Charlotte to check to make sure she did not need a DOC Band. This was at the suggestion of our pediatrician considering Blakes didn't want to sleep anywhere but the swing the first 2 months of her sweet little life. Laying inclined in the swing helps with reflux, but can flatten the back of babies heads. The bands are used to help shape babies whose heads may have flat spots or are  more cone shaped. After we had some images taken and met with a physical therapist, we learned that Blakely is just fine! Her head is super round and she's as cute as ever.

 The past 5 months have been some of the happiest and laughter-filled of our lives! We love our little family. :)

Peace and Love, 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

3 months

Blakely is 3 months old! Blakely turned 3 months old while spending time with her great grandparents on July 6th! She came with me to celebrate my grandmother's 75th birthday (pictures of that to come!) With each month we fall more and more in love with our little girl. I never knew how much I could love someone until she came into our lives these few short months ago. She is growing and reaching all of her milestones right on target! At month 3 Blakely Kate is:

-Smiling more than ever!
-Laughing (mostly at her Daddy)
-wearing size 1 diapers
-wearing 0-3 months clothes
-eating 4.5-5 ounces of formula
-loving her "Lovie"
-sleeping in her crib (every night- hallelujah!)
-trying to roll over
-chattering all the time
- about 12 pounds and 25 inches long
-still enjoying being outside
-riding in her stroller without being in her car seat
-going to go on her first trip to the beach soon!

Blakely goes to the doctor again in August for her 4 month check-up so we will know her height and weight more accurately! She also has to get more shots! :( We are enjoying watching her grow and with each new thing she does we think it's just incredible- (I know all kids do these things- but it's special because she's ours! :))

Happy 3 months!

Smiley girl! 

Peace and Love,

July 4th

Blakely's first July 4th was pretty uneventful! Travis was off work so we spent the day doing things around the house, since we have listed our house on the market. We enjoyed the day and went to Blakely's Mimi and Papaw's (Travis' parents) house for a cookout! Despite not seeing fireworks or any fourth of July festivities, Blakely was festive and celebrated our country's independence in style! 
Our sweet 4th of July girl! 

Happy girl!

Happy 4th of July! 

Peace and Love,

Father's Day!

Travis enjoyed his first Father's Day with Blakely Kate! We spent Saturday with my dad on the lake so that Blakely and cousin Penelope could spend time with him! What a treat to have all of us together and Blakely loves riding on the boat. Sunday we went to church and spent the afternoon as a family. That evening we had dinner at my mom's house to celebrate all of the daddies! Here a few pictures we took of Travis and Blakely on his first Father's Day!

Daddy and Blakely

Her Father's Day outfit!!

We are blessed with a wonderful Dad to Blakely!!

Peace and Love,