
Thursday, September 1, 2011

My running ability...

....or the lack there of!

Travis and I are three or four weeks into training for a 10k. Yes, I know, some of you who read this are runners and are laughing at the thought of training for a 10k, but for us it's a big deal. It's amazing that him being 8 inches taller than me makes such a difference in running. Tonight, I was running around a 9 minute pace (yes, runners, it is ridiculous, but good for me!) and Travis was able to walk (rather quickly, but still!) while I was running.

It just makes me mad!!

I also have to have a puff of my inhaler and eat a tums tablet before we go. He just jogs his happy little rear end right on out there.  Like I running ability (or the lack there of)--it just does not come naturally. But, I really enjoy it! It actually seems to give me energy and relieves stress, both of which I desperately need!  It also has given us a way to exercise together. Before we started this, Travis went to the gym to lift weights and I would walk or jog outside. It has given us a common goal and is something that we are able to fit into our schedules to do together.

Not to mention, any race we do is for a good cause. The last 5k I ran was with a former student and it was one of the most rewarding things I have done.  This race that we are hoping to run in October is to help raise money for the Lincoln Co. Education Foundation. Anything that we can do to help children (of all ages) is special to us!

On one last note...which is off key from the rest of this's know what that means??? FOOTBALL!!!


We are off to see our Bulldogs this weekend (with my dad, sister, and bro-in-law) against Boise State. Sick 'em Dawgs! :)

Peace and Love-

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I am not a very fast runner, either, but I still try to get out and exercise. There are tons of trails here in Boulder!
