
Friday, December 30, 2011

So excited!!!...

Travis and I had an awesome Christmas with friends and family! We have more than we could ever ask for! Our parents always surprise us (even at our age!) with some of the neatest gifts. We enjoy shopping for our families and surprising our them with different gifts, too. This year throughout all of our shopping and eating and wonderful times with family, my heart was in tune with something different. It was burdened by the faces of Canaan Children's home.

We went to our Christmas Eve service this year, which traditionally ends in candlelight. Our pastor made many references to light and how the wisemen followed the star to Bethlehem. God used light to lead them, but Jesus was the ultimate light to a dark world. I had never thought about how many references to light there are in the Christmas story. When he finished sharing, we lit our candles and walked out into our courtyard where a nativity was set up. One of the children sang Away in a Manger and it was so peaceful. I watched the manger scene as "Mary and Joseph" held the baby. My mind kept wandering to these children we are visiting in Uganda. Do they have someone to hold them tonight? Do they know that Jesus came as an innocent child, light to a broken and dark world, to save their sweet hearts? Do they know that they have hope and a future?

Last night, Travis and I dialed in at 8:00 to a conference call with our team members traveling to Uganda. It was so great to hear all of their voices and to "meet" them. We began discussing some logistics and things that we are going to be doing. I think that call truly made it real for me. I can't wait to see and meet these children that have been so heavy on my heart this season. I can't wait to wrap my arms around them! I know that we will only be in Uganda for 9-10 days, but my heart is already forever changed. What a blessing to be able to go and serve!

We have almost met our fundraising goal! Thanks to friends and family who have supported us financially and in prayer. Your prayers are so important to us and to these children!

Here is a short video about Visiting Orphans....
163 Million reasons to GO!

Peace and Love,

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