
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

 I'm behind on blogging so I'm combining Blakely's 4 and 5 month blogs! We've done a lot since she was 3 months old! In July we took Blakely on her first beach trip to Hilton Head Island. She loved putting her feet in the water and playing in the pool. She didn't, however, love the wind and sand being on her so much! I'll have more beach pictures soon, but here's a teaser : 

At our favorite restaurant The Old Oyster Factory

 At Harbor Town

 Family picture- told you she didn't like the    wind :)

Nana lost her camera card with the beach pictures on it so I have to load some on a flashdrive to add to the blog later! There are some real cuties of Blakely and her cousin Penelope! 

I went back to school around mid-August and have left Blakely with my mom (Nana). Nana takes great care and plays all day with Blakely. She is doing great, but this Mama is having a hard time leaving her girl everyday. Those smiles and giggles are missed during the week, but sure are savored on the weekend!!! 

 Blakely has been doing so much in the past two months. Here's an update:

At 4 months Blakely:

weighed 13 lbs and 9 ounces (36%) 
was 25 inches long (65%)
is rolling over from back to front
wearing size 2 diapers
still wearing 3 months clothes and some 3-6 months (little squirt!) 
sleeping all night (most nights!- we are so relieved that we finally have a sleeping baby!)
loves to talk to us!
began eating solids (we started with rice cereal and apples!- she loved them!)

At 5 months Blakely Kate:

weighs around 14.5 pounds (give or take)
is around 25.5 inches long
is eating 3 meals a day (loves pretty much everything we give her, but apples and sweet potatoes seem to be favorites)
is rolling from back to front and front to back
is propping up on her elbows and trying to get her knees underneath her
goes after toys she wants on the floor
wearing size 2 diapers
wearing 3-6 months clothes and some 6 months clothes
is saying things like ("ya, ya, ya and ba, ba, ba)
still loves being outside and going for walks
follows Beacon (our dog) around with her eyes

First bites of carrots

 The result- haha! She loves them now!

Happy 5 months sweet girl!

This month we also took Blakely to Cranial Technologies in Charlotte to check to make sure she did not need a DOC Band. This was at the suggestion of our pediatrician considering Blakes didn't want to sleep anywhere but the swing the first 2 months of her sweet little life. Laying inclined in the swing helps with reflux, but can flatten the back of babies heads. The bands are used to help shape babies whose heads may have flat spots or are  more cone shaped. After we had some images taken and met with a physical therapist, we learned that Blakely is just fine! Her head is super round and she's as cute as ever.

 The past 5 months have been some of the happiest and laughter-filled of our lives! We love our little family. :)

Peace and Love, 

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